Friday, February 12, 2010

The employees of Primus Canada has donated $2,325.00 to the Canadian Red Cross for the Haiti Relief Efforts

The employees of Primus Canada has donated $2,325.00 to the Canadian Red Cross for the Haiti Relief Efforts.

Primus Canada will match this amount enabling us, as an organization, to donate a total of   $ 4,650.00

The funds raised, which will be matched by the Canadian government, will help provide survivors of the disaster with food, shelter, first aid, basic health care and medical supplies.


Double your impact!

Today, February 12, 2010  is the deadline for contributions  to be matched by the Canadian Government!

Any funds received today by the Canadian Red Cross will be eligible for this program.  

 Double your impact and donate today @  



Click Here to Donate to Haiti earthquake

Canadian Red Cross

Thank you.
Your generosity is making a difference in Haiti


Thank you for supporting the Canadian Red Cross in our Haiti earthquake relief efforts. Your support has allowed us to send urgently need aid, support and most importantly hope to Haiti.

Your generosity has allowed the Red Cross to:

  • Send over 2,600 metric tonnes of relief items to Haiti
  • Distribute 1 million litres of water to 200,000 people each day.
  • Provide medical care to over 9,600 people so far, including urgently needed psychosocial support.
  • Provide relief items such as blankets, kitchen tools, tarps, jerry cans and hygiene items to over 122,000 people.

To see photos of your support in action, please visit the Canadian Red Cross Flickr page at

A look to the future
The earthquake has affected approximately 3 million people. Your support has allowed us to provide urgently needed help, and will ensure that the Canadian Red Cross is there for the people of Haiti in the challenging months and years ahead. An in-depth analysis of the long-term needs of Haiti is currently being conducted by the Red Cross to determine how to rebuild the nation and make it stronger, healthier and more resilient.






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