Friday, July 24, 2009

Network Monitoring and Alerts for Vancouver area business

On average, small and medium sized companies in Vancouver lose thousands of dollars a year to network downtime—in the incremental minutes and hours of lost productivity and lost opportunities as you wait for problems to be resolved. Furthermore, on average, 70% of IT management budgets are spent on systems maintenance, leaving only 30% to invest in new technologies.

Imagine if you had IT support that significantly reduced your downtime by identifying and solving issues before they became problems—and that took minutes instead of hours to resolve the remaining issues that could not be anticipated.

Imagine if you could shift funding from administrative tasks to more strategic infrastructure investments that would keep your network more secure and save you money.

Digitel Systems can achieve all this and more, by optimizing your system with our new Network Partner Program:

  • Remote support for rapid problem resolution
  • Detailed site inventories
  • 24 x 7 x 365 proactive network and security monitoring
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Helping you achieve regulation compliance

To learn more, or to schedule a free network assessment, please contact us.

Chris Miles Follow me on Twitter


Contact us for Your Complimentary Network Assessment:

  • A detailed analysis of your actual technology costs and the ROI when you switch to [Program Name].
  • Ilustrations of the potential cost reductions that can be achieved through preventative maintenance.

Digitel Network Assessments are standardized using our Network Partner approach to managing networks.

On average, our customers are able to lower IT management costs by 30%!

The assessment takes only a few hours and does not interrupt anything on your system. When complete, you receive a detailed report indicating the current effectiveness of your network configuration and areas of opportunity for enhanced efficiency with managed services.

Who are we?
Digitel Systems is a Vancouver based Interconnect that for the past 25 years have been supporting business telephone systems. And with the advent of IP telephony, for the past 5 years have been working on hundred's of Local and Wide Area Networks across North America.

Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's not just Network Monitoring

I've been calling I.T. Managers throughout the Vancouver Lower Mainland, introducing our Managed Computer Support service.  When asked to give an explanation of the service, I start by explaining one of its features as a 24/7 Network Monitoring tool.  With a "we already have that" and the click of their phone hanging up, I make a mental note to pull out my book on the "Joys of Selling".  And for those potential new customers who have had their morning coffee and give me 2 minutes of their time, I have the opportunity to explain the other benefits we can deliver to a busy I.T. department.
  • Alert them to problems on their network
  • Automate a number of important day-to-day tasks
  • Automatically keep an up-to-date inventory of all hardware and software
  • Allow easy access to remote machines 24/7
A busy I.T. manager can also have the option of allowing our team of technicians remediate any problems, before waiting for something to break.  Patch Management is another service that we can also deliver, freeing up a busy I.T. administrator for more important projects that may have more of an impact on their organization's bottom line.
Digitel Systems is a Vancouver based Interconnect that for the past 25 years have been supporting business telephone systems. And with the advent of IP telephony, for the past 5 years have been working on hundred's of Local and Wide Area Networks across North America.
If you have questions about your Voice or Data network, contact us anytime.
Chris Miles                               Follow me on Twitter     
Business Development
604-231-0143 direct
Digitel Systems Inc.  
604-231-0110 help desk
604-231-0100 fax

"Managing your Voice and Data Network"


Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Friday, July 17, 2009

24/7 Computer Network Monitoring for Vancouver area business

Digitel Systems is a Vancouver based Interconnect that for the past 25 years have been supporting business telephone systems. And with the advent of IP telephony, for the past 5 years have been working on hundred's of Local and Wide Area Networks across North America.  To deliver additional services to our customer base, Digitel has partnered with Level Platforms.
Level Platforms is a Canadian company and a world leader in remote monitoring and management software.  Their Managed Workplace® will help us deliver managed services to our small and midsize business customers.
Busy IT Managers will see an advantage to this service if there is a need to add another technician to their staff, but don't have the budget.  Or if they want to get away from the important day-to-day tasks that eat up their time, and move to high-value Projects that can benefit their organization's bottom line.
Business owners will also see a benefit, especially those who have a trusted outsourced IT consultant.  Although many smaller computer support firms do well fixing problems as they arise, some busy technicians are not always available when they are needed the most. We believe that by adding a more “Proactive” computer network support service, we can LOWER a firm's overall IT costs.
If you have questions about your Voice or Data network, contact us anytime.
Chris Miles                               Follow me on Twitter     
Business Development
604-231-0143 direct
Digitel Systems Inc.  
604-231-0110 help desk
604-231-0100 fax

"Managing your Voice and Data Network"


Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Managed IT services for busy IT managers

Digitel Systems has been supporting telephone systems, throughout the Vancouver BC area for over 25 years.  But with the advent of IP telephony, the voice and data network is becoming one, and many of our customers see the value with our technical team taking over many of the more mundane day-to-day computer network tasks.  This works perfectly if a busy IT department needs more technicians but doesn't have the budget, or if the IT manager can be elevated to more high-level projects that add value to the bottom line of the organization.
Our team can:
  • Alert the IT department to problems on the network.
  • Automate a number of the important day-to-day tasks
  • Automatically keep an up-to-date inventory of all Hardware and Software
  • Allow easy (and fast) access to remote machines
For more information feel free to contact me at any time.
Chris Miles                               Follow me on Twitter     
Business Development
Managed IT Services
604-231-0143 direct
Digitel Systems Inc.  
604-231-0110 help desk
604-231-0100 fax

"Managing your Voice and Data Network"


Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Friday, July 10, 2009

Threat Manager adds additional security for Vancouver business

Even though most organizations use perimeter defenses (firewalls) and employ endpoint defenses (anti-virus software), many still experience ongoing security breaches. This means that a number of internal networks remain at risk, despite their seemingly proactive defenses. In response, organizations are looking to improve their network security while ensuring compliance with policies and regulatory mandates.


Digitel's Threat Manager provides security and compliance solutions by delivering intrusion protection, vulnerability assessment and log management at a fraction of the cost of traditional products. Unlike appliance or software products, our software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform features rapid deployment, zero maintenance and no hardware or software costs.


Active Watch

  • With Threat Manager, customers can greatly improve their security posture by adding Active Watch. This service provides professional security expertise, resulting in more accurate threat detection and faster, more effective incident response.
  • Active Watch allows IT Managers to receive alert updates by phone or e-mail from security professionals working in the Security Operations Center (SOC). The SOC monitors the network 24/7 and follows customized escalation responses based on compliance requirements and end-user preferences. Defense, remediation and forensics support is also included.

Advanced Threat Scenario Model

  • With an expanded threat-management approach that exceeds typical intrusion-detection-and-prevention products, Threat Manager allows you to maximize your technical resources by eliminating false-positive incidents and reducing associated IT costs.

Key Benefits

Threat Manager provides affordable protection for networks with no upfront investment required:

  • Improve network security by identifying threats and vulnerabilities that evade perimeter and endpoint defenses.
  • Achieve regulatory compliance by identifying incidents and vulnerabilities that could impact compliance-relevant network assets.
  • Eliminate false alarms typically associated with intrusion-detection technology

Key Features

Intrusion Protection

  • Protects against more than 12,000 identified threats
  • Optional 24/7 security monitoring via SOC
  • Passively monitors network traffic
  • Actively blocks attack traffic based on parameters set by customer
  • Correlates network events, vulnerabilities and global-threat data
  • Multilayered architecture provides superior protection Vulnerability Management
  • Continuous asset discovery, vulnerability assessment and resolution workflow
  • Automated network topology and host discovery
  • On-demand scheduling flexibility for internal and external scanning
  • Comprehensive prioritization and resolution work-flow management
  • Agentless architecture
  • Compliance Automation
  •  Integrated PCI certification scanning by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV)
  • Comprehensive compliance reporting and dashboards in PCI, GLBA, SOX and HIPAA
  • Identification of incidents and vulnerabilities impacting compliance posture
As well as supporting Mitel and Toshiba telephone systems, Digitel delivers Managed Computer Support services to business customers throughout the Vancouver Lower Mainland.
Chris Miles                               Follow me on Twitter     
Business Development
604-231-0143 direct
Digitel Systems Inc.  
604-231-0110 help desk
604-231-0100 fax

"Managing your Voice and Data Network"


Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Reasons Why Google Chrome OS Is (and Isn't) a Big Deal

Here is a link to an on-line article, giving reasons why Google Chrome OS is (and isn't) a Big Deal.  I couldn't fit the link in Twitter, hence this link to another link.
As well as supporting Mitel and Toshiba telephone systems, Digitel is delivering Managed Computer Support services to business customers throughout the Vancouver Lower Mainland.
Chris Miles                               Follow me on Twitter     
Business Development
604-231-0143 direct
Digitel Systems Inc.  
604-231-0110 help desk
604-231-0100 fax

"Managing your Voice and Data Network"


Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New backup and data recovery system for business

Here is a link regarding a new backup and recovery system for business than combines data deduplication, enhanced support for virtual environments and centralized management features.  I couldn't fit the link in Twitter, hence this link to another link.
As well as supporting Mitel and Toshiba telephone systems throughout the Vancouver area, Digitel is delivering Managed Computer Support services to their business customers.
Chris Miles                  
Business Development
604-231-0143 direct
Digitel Systems Inc.  
604-231-0110 help desk
604-231-0100 fax

"Managing your Voice and Data Network"


Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Friday, July 3, 2009

Affordable IT Support for Vancouver Area Business

Digitel Systems Inc. is a Vancouver BC based telephone equipment supplier and for the past 25 years we've been installing and supporting business telephone systems, including Toshiba and Mitel.  With the advent of IP Telephony, the Voice and Data network are becoming one, and we see an opportunity to deliver I.T. services and be one point of contact for our customers.


We know that you rely on your I.T. assets to operate your business, but maintaining and managing these investments can be costly, complicated and time-consuming — distracting you from your core business activities and using up resources.


With this in mind Digitel is now offering a Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) service that will result in an overall lower cost of owning and supporting I.T., more predictable costs, and will help you avoid the large, unplanned expenses that are typically associated with unscheduled downtime.

Remote Monitor, Alert and Response

With 24/7 monitoring and alerting, we’ll know immediately when something has gone wrong and can guarantee a rapid response, delivered remotely if possible, or on site if required. Problems are often resolved before you’re even aware of them.

Asset Management

Our RMM services make it possible to deliver detailed, up-to-date hardware and software inventories to protect assets for insurance purposes or regulatory compliance.

We’ll track warranty expirations to ensure you never pay for maintenance twice.

We’ll also automatically detect new software installations and discover the presence of unauthorized and illegal software, such as peer-to-peer file-sharing applications that rob you of bandwidth.

Preventive Maintenance

With detailed, accurate information about your IT assets, we minimize costly disruptions to your daily operations by proactively resolving problems before they become critical. We’ll also be able to quickly identify where maintenance activities can optimize performance and lower costs.

How It Works

Our software-based RMM solution automatically performs secure, comprehensive scans of your IT environment to gather up-to-date information about the health and performance of your assets.

This information allows us to be alerted about problems as they are evolving, deliver rapid remote remediation when issues arise, and perform maintenance tasks with unparalleled efficiency — all of which save you money.

We can proactively monitor and manage anything with an IP address, including:




Managed switches




VoIP switches and phones




Off-the-shelf and custom applications

Specialized equipment

 Environmental control devices

Internal and external web sites

Virtual machines

We see our Remote Monitoring and Management service as a perfect fit for any organization who employs their own technician or who already outsources their computer network support to a small 1 or 2 man firm.  For more information contact us anytime, or call me directly for any of your telephone or data needs.
Chris Miles                               Follow me on Twitter     
Business Development
604-231-0143 direct
Digitel Systems Inc.  
604-231-0110 help desk
604-231-0100 fax

"Managing your Voice and Data Network"


Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous