Friday, March 20, 2009

Microsoft SharePoint Connects with Novell GroupWise

Vancouver BC Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley business owners that use Novell GroupWise, can now integrate Microsoft's SharePoint Portal Server or Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007. Users can take advantage of transparent, server-side synchronization of GroupWise and SharePoint appointments, tasks, address books and issues.
"The key business drivers behind the deployment of SharePoint and other enterprise information portals, such as Novell's Teaming and Conferencing, work to satisfy the need to centralize and secure business-critical information and create a comprehensive framework for team collaboration, communication and information-sharing."
Click here for more information.
For on-going Windows, Novell and Linux support or to help with a Project, contact us anytime.  
Chris Miles                                                       Follow me on Twitter
604-484-4218 direct
Insight Information Technology
604-484-5141 Lower Mainland
604-864-0465 Fraser Valley

Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Friday, March 13, 2009

VoIP Voice Quality and your Computer Network

I recently moved my home office to a different area of our house, and the experience proved how important your Computer Network is when implementing Voice over IP (VoIP).


I often work from home and I connect to our corporate IP phone system using VoIP. The voice quality has always been crystal clear, due mostly to the fact that I have a Managed ADSL service that I use only for VoIP and Shaw Cable for my business and family web surfing, email etc. There is also a Dual-WAN router, allowing me to connect both the ADSL and Cable connections into my network, with an automatic fail-over if ever one of the services is unavailable. So for one guy with only one IP phone, I was pretty well set up.


My new office did not have any data cabling, so I installed a PowerLine HD Ethernet Adapter (DHP-300) device from Dlink. Using the power outlet, the Dlink DHP-300 gives me a 100 Mbps connection to my network. More than enough speed for one person, yet there was an immediate drop in the quality of my VoIP.


Lesson Number 1:  Read the Manual


The Dlink software included with the DHP-300 gave me the tools to check the quality of the power outlet, so by simply moving the adapter to a different power outlet my connection improved considerably. As well, the Dlink DHP-300 had built in QoS (Quality of Service), allowing me to set my VoIP traffic as a priority over regular data (like web surfing). And like magic, the voice quality of my VoIP was crystal clear again.


Lesson Number 2: Never Underestimate the Value of a Good Network!


Business owner that have not had a good experience with Voice over IP, often blame the VoIP provider or the Equipment they have purchased. Yet many times, you find a $20 hub, instead of a proper LAN switch or very poor cabling as the culprit. To take full advantage of VoIP technology I recommend your Computer Technician ensure the following.

  • A good LAN switch with QoS
  • A good (Managed) Dedicated Internet Connection for VoIP. This need not be expensive, as a good business-class ADSL service can be as little as $69 per month. Due to latency issues, I generally prefer ADSL over Wireless or Cable for VoIP.
  • A separate Internet Connection for other traffic, like Web Surfing, Email, etc. I prefer using 2 different ISP's, each using a different technology. For example ADSL for VoIP and Cable or Wireless for other traffic (like Web Surfing, email, etc.).
  • A robust Dual-WAN router is also recommended allowing you to connect both Internet connections to your LAN. However be aware that most inexpensive Dual-WAN routers simply load-balance between the 2 connections. VoIP does not perform well with this configuration therefore a router that "aggregates" the traffic is best. In other words, VoIP traffic over the ADSL and other traffic over Cable. Most Dual-WAN routers also offer an automatic backup, in case one of your connections fails. The router should also be powerful enough to support the traffic over your 2 connections. I like the FortiGate line of routers from FortiNet.

If you are implementing an IP phone system or trying to connect remote users to your business, give us a call. We support small and medium sized business throughout the Vancouver BC Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley.


Chris Miles                                                       Follow me on Twitter
604-484-4218 direct
Insight Information Technology
604-484-5141 Lower Mainland
604-864-0465 Fraser Valley

Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What goes on (that you cannot see) on your Computer Network

We recently found a corrupt print job on a customer's computer network that was using 50% of the CPU by the Print Spooler.  The Print Spooler, also called the Queuing System, manages printer use on computer systems that have more than one printer, and a 50% usage causes a much slower computer network. 
The corrupt print job occurred months ago, but wasn't found until our customer took advantage of our "5 to 50" Computer Network Support Service.  Part of this service is 24/7 Network Monitoring, allowing us to foresee and diagnose problems much faster, and in some cases, remedy the situation immediately without having to go on-site. 
If this was an existing customer why wasn't this problem found earlier?
Typically, Computer Support is based on what we call a "Break & Fix" model.  Unless there is a problem or a project, we are NOT involved in the day-to-day management of our customer's network.  However our "5 to 50" service is a Pro-active Support model, which delivers computer support at a flat monthly fee that our customers can budget for just like rent.  And part of this service is the 24/7 Monitoring, which is constantly scanning the network looking for problem that might not be seen by an end-user.  In the case of the high CPU usage on the Server, our customer really didn't notice anything until after the problem was fixed, and they noticed everything running faster.
If your business has 5 or more workstations, and is located in the Vancouver Lower Mainland or Fraser Valley, we'd welcome the opportunity to manage your Computer Network.  Contact us anytime at 604-484-5141 in Vancouver or 604-864-0465 in Abbotsford.
Chris Miles                                                       Follow me on Twitter
604-484-4218 direct
Insight Information Technology
604-484-5141 Lower Mainland
604-864-0465 Fraser Valley

Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous

Thursday, March 5, 2009

An Inexpensive Way To Help Ensure Business Continuity

There was a great article in the February Business In Vancouver newspaper, written by Alan Zisman.  In the High Tech Office section, the headline reads "Lessons from another malware meltdown".  The article explains how by mid-January of this year millions of Windows systems had been successfully attacked by malware, even though Microsoft had released a patch in October.  It goes on to explain how easily one infected machine can spread throughout a network, even a network that is behind a firewall.  "Infected systems are hooked into botnets, serving up mass amounts of spam e-mail messages. An estimated 90% of all spam comes from such botnets."
For business owners, the lesson learned is to ensure all your machines, including Desktops, Laptops and Servers have Virus Protection and they have been regularly updated and are always current.  I'd argue that your Virus Protection be updated automatically, without you thinking about it, or without your staff or IT guy needing to update manually.  Now here's the Sales Pitch.  Insight IT customers, who take advantage of our "5 to 50" Computer Support Service have the option of our Virus Protection service that is always current 24/7.  Nothing for your staff to do, and each machine is monitored around the clock, 365 days per year.
Click here, to read Alan Zisman's Business In Vancouver article.
And if you are interested in an inexpensive way to ensure your Computer Network is safe, contact us anytime.  Insight Information Technology or Insight IT for short delivers Enterprise Computer Support at a Small Business price, for organizations throughout Vancouver BC Lower Mainland, Abbotsford and the Fraser Valley.
Chris Miles                       Follow me on Twitter
604-484-4218 direct

Posted via email from chrismiles's posterous