Monday, December 14, 2009

Virtualize your business

A few weeks ago, before I started with Primus, I met with Ed Lee at ECL Computing.  ECL Computing is a local Vancouver Systems Integrator, and Ed explained why he recommends to all of his customers that they virtualize their business.  And I mean virtualize everything about their business, so that his customers are available for their employees, suppliers and customers anywhere, anytime, no matter what hiccup or disaster may occur.


Let’s take, for example, what happened a year or so ago in Vancouver, when there was a power outage that effected many buildings in the downtown core.  Imagine that your business has NO power for about 4 days.  Think of your phone lines, email, customer invoices, accounts receivable, inventory and sales records.  How will customers contact you?   Now I’m sure that many reading this have their Servers and Phone Systems connected to backup power, but unless you’ve made a huge investment, you’ll generally have only enough power for an hour at best.  For many, you will only have enough power to safely power down your equipment.


The above real life scenario would occur only if all of your equipment is located in your office.  Now consider if your Phone System, Servers, Email and important applications where located outside your own facility.  Hosted in a secure facility that has multiple levels of power, that is not affected by the city’s grid.  You’d simply head home or to the nearest web café, fire-up any web browser and simple log into your system. 

Now I understand for most IT technicians, the fact that your Servers are not down the hall is a little un-nerving.  But there is a business case for locating your equipment in a secure co-location facility that includes features that would be far too expensive for most small and medium sized businesses to install in their own Server room. 

Now here comes the sales pitch;


Or you can install your important applications on a Primus Managed Server.  With a 100 Mbps connection Internet connection, you have more than enough bandwidth for all your users, whether they’re at their desk, on the road or working from a branch or home office.


For a tour of Primus’ co-location facility, click here to view the video.


Chris Miles

Primus Business Services

Account Executive


Tel:  604.630.2628   |    Toll Free:  877.752.6385    |   Fax: 877-329.4958



333 Seymour St, Suite 540, Vancouver BC, V6B 5A6

Posted via web from chrismiles's posterous

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