I’ve wanted to loose weight for some time now, especially around the middle portions of my body. I’ve been a pretty skinny guy for most of my life, but my wife is a great cook and I tend to love my Friday night martinis. Therefore I look to be about 7 months pregnant, and huff and puff quite a bit when climbing a stairs. So here is my pledge, that I’m starting now, not tomorrow, and that I announce to all, so others can help to keep me on track.
“I will be a size 34 waist pant by summer!”
My plan;
- Cut out bread – no morning toast with jam or “hot buns” at dinner.
- Walk up the 5 floors to my office, at least once per day. I’ve been doing this for about a week now and generally walk up to the 5th floor at least twice per day. Plus I hate going to a gym.
- Eat slower and eat less
- Cut out mid-day snacking. I tend to graze during the day, often reaching into a bag of cookies. To be honest I stopped this about a month ago, and replaced the cookies with carrots.
- Friday night Salsa lessons with my wife Rianna. I’ve been doing this for about 3 months now.
- NO booze on Saturdays! This is a tough one, not that I’m a big drinker but as I said earlier I love my martinis and also love my wine. I choose Saturday because Rianna and I generally go out on a date after our Salsa lessons on Friday. Plus I thought stopping just on Saturdays will be easier than stopping altogether. I mean, one’s got to have some fun.
So there it is my plan to loose weight and go back to a stealth size 34 waist pant. Wish me luck and please, no bags of cookies on my desk.
Happy Holidays,
Chris Miles is an Account Executive (or Sales Guy) for Primus Business Services, in beautiful Vancouver BC. I have a background in both Voice and Data, so when evaluating a customers needs I like to look at the whole picture. A customer’s Telephone and Computer Network, their Internet Connectivity, Applications, Backup and Disaster Recovery. I partner with a number of Value-Added Resellers, giving small and medium sized business customers ideas and options and to use technology to increase sales and lower costs.
To find out more about Primus’ suite of business services, visit http://www.primustel.ca/en/business/index.php.
Chris can be reached at 604-630-2628 or by e-mail at cmiles@primustel.ca.