Monday, December 21, 2009

Computer Network "Server as a Service"

Walk into the back room of any small or medium sized business and you’ll likely find a small, multi-purpose room that often also serves as the Server Room.  This room is generally also called the photocopier room, lunch room or even the Janitor’s closest.  I think you get the picture. 

Generally these rooms have very poor or NO security, they’re accessible by everyone and power is atrocious. In many cases the Server or Servers are in the same area as the photocopier, telephone system and demarcation point.  Therefore heat is also an issue, so your equipment will be more prone to failure. 

Any business that has branch offices or have users working outside the office, Internet access is also an issue.  Broadband services like ADSL and Cable may not be enough bandwidth, and upgrading to a T1 or Fibre may be too expensive.  And then there is power.  Any business person in Vancouver’s downtown core can tell you what it is like to be without power for close to a week.  NO phone, email, Internet or access to important applications.


Now compare this to a Server that instead of being down the hall is out “in the cloud”.  A Server in a secure facility specifically designed for multiple servers, with quadruple power back up and a 100 Mbps connection to the Internet.  And a Server you do not purchase, but instead only pay for the CPU, memory and storage you need.  A Server that can easily be upgraded “on the fly”, without disrupting important applications.  A Server has a Service.


For information on Primus’ answer to a high availability Server, click here for information on our Virtual Managed Machine.  Or check out this video on how Primus’ Virtual Managed Machine works.


Chris Miles

Primus Business Services

Account Executive


Tel:  604.630.2628   |    Toll Free:  877.752.6385    |   Fax: 877-329.4958



333 Seymour St, Suite 540, Vancouver BC, V6B 5A6

Posted via web from chrismiles's posterous

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